Saturday, June 5, 2010

Crop Tops

Yesterday may have taken the cake for wild days in Hollywood. My friend Emily finally arrived and we spent our day walking around Rodeo and eventually made it back to the store. Within the ten minutes of arriving, mayhem broke out. Lock the doors, Lindsay has arrived. Well looks like Emily is going to be thrown right into the middle of the Hollywood scene on her first day. Fasten your seat belts. I have been WAITING for this day since one of my first nights out when I was originally suppose to meet her. Anyways, as she shopped around the store, we chilled on the chairs and chatted with Ali Lohan who really is quite funny and really sweet.

We had locked some straggling customers into the store so when it started to get busy I began to help out where I found myself in the stalk room with Lindsay where (what I now think is hilarious) had a discussion about finding the perfect crop top - I pointed her in the direction of Club Monaco, they are making some great CT's right now. On a side note - I would like to dedicate that conversation to the house of 286 William, both new and old. I know you would all be proud.

Eventually the paparazzi discovered Lindsay's location and swarmed the front of the store, to which I show you my proof. Not a very fortunate picture of Emily and I (we are holding my friend's dog), but here is the long awaited picture of me and LILO:


That night we decided to go out in Hollywood to this new club that is 'Hampton's' inspired. With a quick line skip we were surrounded by random old school Disney child stars, Jesse McCartney (who looked 40) and the ENTIRE HILLS CAST who were filming and episode (minus Spencer and Heidi to my disappointment). I would say it was quite the eventful first day and a great first impression of Hollywood lifestyle - to which I rarely do. Going out all the time I have realized is so tiresome so when you do pick and choose the days to go out, they make them so much more fun. Day two of Emily's visit and I think we need some sunshine and some SPF.

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